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  1. D

    Aftermarket Floor Mats?

    So I'm finally getting my EV9 next week, and I’m on the hunt for some solid rubber floor mats. Of course, the dealership’s out of stock. Anyone here found any good third-party options for the EV9?
  2. I

    Displaying songs details on EV9

    Hi! Is there any solution to make the display of my EV9 show the details (like name artist and song name) of the songs when using SiriuXM or even the radio station?
  3. R

    EV9's Ridiculous Volume Control Knob

    Ugh, I'm seriously frustrated with the design of the volume/power knob/roller thingy in the middle of the dash on the EV9. It's so annoying - it's almost impossible to adjust the volume without accidentally turning off the entire system. The smooth surface and overly sensitive touch controls...
  4. D

    New EV9 Owner Hearing Rear Taps

    New EV9 owner here, just picked mine up two days ago, and I’m loving it so far. However, I noticed an occasional tapping sound coming from the rear, and it reminds me a lot of the sound that some EV6 owners have talked about – the one linked to those pressure flaps. For anyone who’s had both...

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